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What Does Biden's Decision Mean for the Democratic Party?

The world was taken by surprise when Vice President Joe Biden announced that he would not be running in the 2016 presidential election. What would it mean? What would happen? Who would win now? This article was written following that announcement to answer those questions.

Is Kaepernick Justified in his Decision to "Take a Knee?"

This editorial was written as part of the first of a series of opposing editorials, called "Reflections," that run monthly in The Lion's Roar, usually with myself writing one and fellow staff writer Amanda Ryan writing the other. For the October 2017 issue, we decided to tackle Colin Kaepernick and the 'Take a Knee' movement. This editorial is my take on the issue.

"Gunman" or "Terrorist?" It's in the Eye of the Beholder

After the horrific tragedy in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, that left 58 people dead, the typical response to a mass shooting followed. "It's a gun issue!" "No, it's a mental health issue!" "Why did he have an assault rifle?" "The Second Amendment says we can have guns!" The shooter was called "disturbed" and "mentally ill," but never a terrorist, unlike the man who committed the mass shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando just over a year before. Both men committed similarly horrible crimes, but only one was labeled a terrorist. This editorial examines why.

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News Literacy

Looking Back on the President's First Year in Office

A lot has happened since President Donald Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017. For the January 2017 issue of The Lion's Roar, I wrote a piece that looked at the year month-by-month to highlight the most notable events (both bad and good) that had happened within the administration in its first 365 days.

13 Reasons Why, Exactly?

Like most other high schools across America, the hit Netflix Original Series 13 Reasons Why took Lincoln High School by storm. If you weren't watching it, chances are you knew several people who were. And regardless of whether or not you had seen it, you were aware of the controversy that surrounded it. Graphic depictions of rape and suicide were featured in the series and people argued as to whether or not it was necessary or harmful to have shown. This unpublished article examines both sides of the issue.

Ciciline Leaves No Stone Unturned at Community Event

Congressman David Cicilline visted Cumberland High School (one town over from Lincoln) last April to discuss what was happening in Washington and to hold a "community conversation" with his constituents to hear their concerns and feedback on what was going on. I attended the event as a journalist and wrote this unpublished article afterwards.

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